Saturday, August 2, 2014


Last August I left my house intending to go on an epic adventure with my friend.
We ended up at our friend's house that night and the movie Yes Man was on tv. If you haven't seen this movie, PLEASE watch it. Not only is Jim Carey smashingly handsome but this movie taught me to take risks and I ended up going hitchhiking the next day.
The premise of the story was to say yes to all offers and opportunities that present themselves and don't hold back on taking chances. This doesn't apply to ALL situations, but it does to most.
Think about it, if you said yes to everything that was asked of you, you could do everything you want and discover things that you love that you didn't know you loved! You don't know what you don't know. The best job in the world could be waiting for you that you may have never heard of.
You could be vacationing in Hawaii if you decided to enter the free sweepstakes offering a luxury trip. You could be having a date with your soul mate if you decided to make an eharmony account like your mom suggested. You could be eating the best meal of your life if you decided to try a new restaurant this weekend. You could be making the best song ever if you decided to go over and talk to that cool dude who just happened to own a recording studio..
Anything is possible!!!!

Don't let that little voice in your mind hold you back from trying new things. Life is too short! Don't grow up with regret. It's never too late to start, no matter what age you are.

Not only can we accept the offers given to us from other people, but also the suggestions inside our minds. When we get an idea to do something, the best moment to do it is then! Don't wait.
Even the tiny things can lead us to life changing experiences.
 Let's say you are walking down the road and you pass up an intersecting street. Something inside you says, go back and turn down that road. So you go back and do it. As you are walking you see a bicycle sitting on the side of someone's yard with a sign that says "for sale. name your price." This happens to be the exact bicycle you wanted. Same color, frame, brand, and style!! You buy the bike ride it to your friend's house and they end up taking you to a concert in the park where you met to meet the band that is now your favorite band.

This is the way things work. So go watch that movie and see what happens :D

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