Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pooff ***

2014 has been a very challenging year for me. I turned 18 and realized all the ways I had relied on my parents and taken their wealth for granted. I realized I was a somewhat spoiled and sheltered baby who had no idea what life was like for most people on the planet, who never had a job in my life so I had a very poor work ethic and a lot of self centered attitudes. I have realized many of my beliefs around abundance and mainly lack of it. I have truly started to reverse imbalanced eating patterns that I've had since a young child. I'm starting to take full responsibility for the pain and dissatisfaction I've created in myself and adopted a real desire to heal and connect to others. 
Not only that but I broke up and got back together with my partner. Traveled to upstate New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC area, and hitchhiked to California. I've started school online at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and am on my way to becoming a health coach. I got reiki 1, 2, and 3 attunements and am on my way to reiki mastery and greater healing within myself.. 
Okay. So I've shedded a lot and initiated a lot and am basically building a whole new life for myself. The point of this shpeel is to show you how in one year or less you can completely change your life. You can reverse the direction of your attention, your mind, your emotions and start to create a life that you are excited about living, that is purposeful, beneficial to all and one that makes you feel goood. Excited, passionate, loved. 
How do you do this? 
Start with gratitude for what is already good. We're talking perception shifting. New eyes. Seeing what is right in front of you. Your breath, you are breathing and don't even have to try. 
What turns on your creativity? How do you feel when you can use your gifts or interests to help others?
I started the year completely unsure of what I wanted to do with my life, how I was going to support myself, scared for my health, not completely sure I wanted to be in such a comitted relationship, insecure in many ways that I was afraid of admitting and you know what? I was thinking about myself a whole lot. I was so self focused that I couldn't even see all the beauty and blessings that were around me. 
I am still working on this and know that I have so much to heal, to let go of and to Remember, and I'm okay with that because I know it can only get better. 
It will get better. You reading this shows that it is only getting better! 
Trust yourself, be prepared for a long journey and have fun! Make life feel good, it is supposed to feel good, the kind of good that relies on no external object, the good that radiates from your heart as joy and has no limits. Let this goodness be your journey. You are supported and loved far more than you realize. 
I love you. You can do it! 

(Receiving is becoming) 


Thursday, December 25, 2014

More Christ

Happy Christmas everyone! I sincerely wish you a day to celebrate and appreciate life with your family and closest friends. Today many people celebrate the birth of a beautiful healer that people in America call Jesus. He has many names all over the world, but this does not change who he was. We all hear stories about Jesus and they tend to recycle over and over. But! No one really knows what the life of Jesus was truly lik. I like to imagine it...
In a hot dry area of Earth there was a humble man who worked as a fisherman and a carpenter. He had a profound connection to nature and could calm storms, walk on water and turn water into wine. He didn't brag or show off his power but wanted others to understand it, understand their connection to nature. He had the deepest love for people and others would come to him to listen to his stories, and receive the affection and intimacy he had for all of life...
Jesus was born in a farm around animals in a dirty and rather smelly stable. He grew up in a house made of sand, straw and clay. He had a pet dog that he would play with daily and it was his best friend. He would walk 2 miles a day to get water for his family when he was in his teen years. A lot of young people hung around the well and they like to observe Jesus. Many girls thought he was homosexual, but he was actually very sensitive and had a strong attraction towards a woman named Mary Megdelene. They met while in  their twenties and had a very strong bond. Some called them soul twins. They began teaching healing arts at a young age and would cure people using reiki, herbs and mushroom tea. They would travel the land and go from village to village sharing their healing remedies and teach people..
His first peak of the world may have been up at the shining stars, or a donkey, or maybe his mother's gentle eyes. At a very young age Jesus had an adventurous spirit; he would wander off to the temples to hear sermons and walk around town to talk to scholars and religious leaders. He didn't conform to the religion of his time, but rather had a direct connection to the truth of God's love and wisdom from within HimSelf. He was so connected to this wisdom and love that people began following him and worshiping him. He never asked for this but embraced the people as his children even so.
This man was humble, emotional, and Caring. He wanted everyone to be free and liberated from pain. He was pure love. And this is who was are celebrating today...
I like to imagine Jesus was dark skin and hair and shining brown eyes with thin sandals on his feet and dusty colored robes. The skin around his ankles and toes was dry and cracked. His beard got mangy and long at times. His hands were strong and kind and worn from his work as a fisher and builder.

Many loving masters such as Jesus lived very humbling lives with no desire for fame or personal recognition. Just remember that this man did not want you to worship him, he wanted to be received and he wanted his teachings to be acted out, not just heard.
What ways can you be humble and generous in your life?
What ways can you help others without expecting anything in return?

I love to ponder the lives of those who we read about in history class or church. What was their environment like, their family life, their food, their clothes, the sound of their voice, the way they interacted with others.. We have the ability to create lives with our imaginations! Think beyond the story someone else tells you. Keep creating, keep loving, and be like Jesus today.
Thank you for reading! Please share and I'm sending you my love and apprecication! <3 <3 <3 <3